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Personal Statement

Having started my career as a Graphic Designer, I’ve worked for marketing firms and in marketing departments, and through that experience I was able to establish myself in the creative world.

I quickly discovered however that my true talents lay in organizing and running complex multi-faceted projects and bringing them in under budget and on time.  Running these complex large projects also allowed me to build on my people skills specifically it showed me how to manage diverse teams that required varying levels of communication and reporting procedures. These new management and communication skills grew with my teaching experience.  Instructing taught me how to motivate groups of unskilled raw talent, I gained this knowledge at some of the DMV’s endowment based and for profit education institutions.

I’ve helped with a $2 million dollar web site redesign, rolled out mobile apps, and grown a social media following

So having mastered design, project direction, and team management — I’ve now turned my attention to technology and harnessing emerging new media/mediums.  I’ve taken part in a $2 million dollar financial web site redesign, helped roll out mobile banking apps, and grown a social media following through grass roots efforts from 60,000 followers to over 900,000.  I taught myself the fundamentals of SEO/SEM, website analytics, and learned how to deploy and manage multiple web sites using several different open source and proprietary CMS’s.

Having seen my industry change three times over the past 20 years from hand drawn, to computer aided, and now to digital execution, I’ve grown to know how marketing is being preformed in this new age. I am trained and conditioned to develop creative that is in tune with the demands of this new way of working and I can lead diverse teams that can take advantage of this fast changing and dynamic new marketing world.